Jul 16, 2022
The Home Depot Dartmouth Crossing was Canada’s too fundraiser and HomeBridge was the beneficiary
Our friends in orange aprons showed all of Canada that Nova Scoitans are not only “Nova Scotia
Strong” but also some of the most kind hearted and generous people around.
The Home Depot Canada Foundation’s in-store campaign for the Orange Door Project took
place earlier this summer in every store across the country and when the results were released the Dartmouth Crossing location topped the leaderboard for funds raised. HomeBridge has had the privilege of working with the team at The Home Depot Dartmouth Crossing on the Orange Door Project since 2014 and we have been impressed with their dedication and commitment to battling youth homelessness in Canada from day one. Since public health officials declared COVID-19 a pandemic and our world drastically changed, however, we have been even more impressed with
This amazing team and their customers raised nearly $32,000 in just 26 days this summer which
put them in the number one spot of all Home Depot stores in the entire country. As a result of
this amazing accomplishment, The Home Depot Canada Foundation then matched their total and included another incentive which resulted in a collective donation of $65,900. This is one of the single largest donations in the history of the organization and it will allow us to create an
unbelievable amount of opportunities and experiences for the vulnerable youth who live in the
HomeBridge Community.
The mission of the Orange Door Project is to prevent and help to end youth homelessness in
Canada. Sadly, the outcomes for youth-in–care are not always positive so this is a mission that
we share. The money raised through this campaign will support therapeutic and life-skill
building programs for the young people served in our programs. This will include educational
support, and cultural and recreational experiences that help them discover their strengths and
abilities, build healthy relationships and develop the skills and awareness to be their best self.
We cannot thank our friends at The Home Depot enough for this incredible support and for
everything they are doing to battle youth homelessness. We are extremely grateful to be a charity partner with such a community minded organization.